- acarpy
- a fluid substance which oozes out from the temple of a passionate male elephant
- an odd man out
- Asian influenza
- aqeous suspension
- andres segovia
- air value
- air displacement
- air double contrast barium enema
- air umbrella
- ablatic
- a distributor
- a release warrant
- a reliable follower
- a cuff
- anything spread out
- anyone
- anything trivial
- a kind of sweetened tiny pills of gram floor fried in ghee
- a nodding acquaintance
- a hyena
- an epithet of lord indra
- armor plated
- an announcer
- a narrator
- a typical sweet beverage prepared with fresh lemon_juice
- a head ornament
- a debtor
- a suit_case
- a trunk
- a far_flung place
- a grain_store
- a gravel
- a great ascetic
- a form of address esp. prevalent amongst the paṅja:bi:_speaking people
- ahead of all
- affectionately
- agiotage
- a forum
- an indecent assault to be committed upon
- all square
- abnormal development
- accelerating ability
- at that
- a dialect of hindi spoken in eastern parts of uttar pradesh and western parts of biha:r
- a rationalist
- as we say
- alluvial flat
- a land_owner
- alluvial plain