- aristophanes
- arthur evans
- astrapophobia
- acidotic
- acetobacter
- akko
- alsace
- ataxic
- alfred lord tennyson
- alfred lunt
- alfred lothar wegener
- after_glow
- atharva_veda
- a native of madra:s (capital of the south indian state of tamilna:ḍu)
- ablolute amenorrhoea
- an exaggeration
- a naturist
- a contrivance
- a disbeliever (in the tenets of islam)
- all day long
- a dancing strain
- ammi visnaga
- a cog in the machine
- augean stables
- as pleased as punch
- apogamous
- adverse witness
- anthropophagy
- apodal
- antro_choanal
- alpha gamma switch
- american mastodon
- american mastodont
- a pregnant silence
- a pregnant pause
- an utterance that has no subtlety
- anthropophobia
- abatable
- agnogenic myeloid metaplasia
- a string of names
- acropodian
- abnormal termination
- adrenergic autonomic stimulus
- adrenergic blockade
- adrenergic blocking agent
- adrenergic nervous system
- air traffic
- alaska peninsula
- a natur(al)ist
- adiabatic