- alveolar underventilation
- any and every time
- a liar par excellence
- a king of liars
- aeolis
- a small axe
- auschwitz
- alpha centauri
- antirheumatic action
- atomic energy research estalishment
- army high performance computing research center
- a leg_trick
- a slice (of some fruits)
- air force research laboratory
- asur
- artificial kidney technique
- armored searobin
- a minstrel
- a small piece
- a small piece of gravel
- anderson
- agliophobia
- amitriptyline hydrochloride
- aram
- amicability
- amicableness
- arnold_chiari deformity
- antenna tuning hut
- arthur mitchell
- antoninus
- anapaestic
- a deep dark gulf
- a fault_finding eye
- a saboteur
- anacrotic limb
- agamemnon
- ambrosial
- ambrosia trifida
- asterion
- a legalist
- annaba
- an address (of welcome)
- archetypical
- a tambourine
- apomictic
- anonymously
- artificial acquired passive immunity
- a militarist
- according to rough estimates
- a study of nature