- aconcagua
- anagogic
- anaglyptical
- adriatic
- anophthalmia
- alan seeger
- aeschylus
- auditory aphasia
- ataxic dysarthria
- aphasic arrest
- associative aphasia
- aphanolemur
- aerial insulator
- an absorber
- angle of eye
- air reconnaissance
- anisophoria
- a constant companion
- ardeb
- acre
- anaglyphical
- at the top of the tree
- at the best
- andrew marvell
- a watched pot never boils
- anisorrhythmia
- amphipithecus
- anacanthus
- a wonder_casket
- antinuclear
- anticoincidence operation
- allopathic system
- a procurator
- anthologise
- an anthology
- audubon
- algal
- amino_acid activation
- ahvenanmaa
- alan turing
- aminolysis
- anticomplimentary serum
- a mason's trowel
- adsorbate
- adsorbent material
- adsorbent
- a private assembly
- a variant of
- Arcadic
- Aeolic dialect