- ascendible
- anaximenes
- aqua vitae
- acetic acid
- alcalescent
- acicular crystal
- acidulated water
- acid fast becillus
- a shower
- anterior fontanelle
- an ornament worn round the ankles
- a stool made of reeds
- an intercalary month
- allured
- ardent desire
- aspartame
- attractively
- a throne
- acquired (property etc.)
- acquired varied (immoral) experiences
- a small pail
- athletic training
- a paper mill
- armory
- assembly phase
- agricola
- amphimixis
- acts of the apostles
- academic action limited merely to paper
- abilene
- a tahsildar—revenue officer in command of a tehsil
- arboresque
- arborical
- Amsler grid
- adscript
- agent bank
- agentive role
- antihemorrhagic factor
- antihaemophilic
- Alnus
- american bison
- american basswood
- alcohol_in_glass thermometer
- alcohol thermometer
- amalgamation
- alaskan king crab
- alaskan
- apothecaries' weight
- apothecaries' unit
- anticipator