- amitotic
- adolf loos
- arousal
- around_the_clock
- anal sex
- anal intercourse
- a stroll
- ambulation
- a foot_ man
- a pedestrian
- a piece in chess
- alice_josephine pons
- a cushy number
- altocumulus
- altocumulus cloud
- agglomerate
- a heap
- American mountain ash
- all glass syringe
- aries
- a kind of sweet
- aries—the first sign of the zodiac
- ampleness
- aquednct of cochlea
- ajar
- a he_calf
- a deep well_like reservoir of water
- a good coin
- a great celebration
- a jester
- an urge
- alluring or fascinating ways
- allusive
- a signal
- an indicator
- a sight worth seeing
- an index
- a sign of the times
- assenter
- assertable
- abnegator
- almsgiver
- altruist
- aflare
- American flag
- a feeling like crying
- aposematic coloration
- alarm bell
- alfred stieglitz
- albright's disease