- a slap on the wrist
- a slice of the cake
- a slice of life
- a piece of cake
- achenial
- acheiropodia
- accounchement force
- accouchment outfit
- accounted for
- accounting (system)
- accounting
- accounting principle
- accounting entry
- accounting standard
- account of doings
- answer delay
- answer lamp
- aside from
- armada
- andrenid
- ast ounded
- acaricide
- acridin dye
- alfa_laval vtis process
- aphide
- apolitical
- abyssinian mustard
- a mosque
- a temple dedicated to lord shiv
- a temple (where an idol is installed)
- a tempest in a teapot
- a temple of shiv
- arytaenoid
- arytenoid
- arytenoid cartilage
- ankyloblepharon
- airborne
- a plateau
- a la carte
- anomalous communication
- a graceful personality to make an appearance
- an inhibition
- abnegation
- a taboo
- agnosterol
- auditory agnosia
- actuarial
- ascidian tadpole
- aphis lion
- asiatic flu