- a typical indian tree which grows very soft flowers
- a tamarisk tree— tamarix indica
- a medicinal plant—physalis flexussa
- an impossibility
- a compiler
- assembler
- add_subtract time
- a solar day
- aliasing
- analects
- a solar month
- a bye_product
- allotype
- accentuated
- a collectivist
- an earthen lamp
- aplenty
- as if ready to flee
- a nut socket
- as smooth as silk
- a lemon
- agra
- at best
- at most
- at the latest
- a perennially blooming tree yielding very fragrant small flowers—ninsops dengi
- abortive
- an occurrence or event portending evil
- a word deferentially appended to the names of mohammedans of moghul lineage
- a kind of plum —prunus ovalifolia
- anymore
- at the moment
- any more
- a king of poets
- a sub_caste of ra:jastha:n bra:hmaṉs
- a wandering minstrel
- a group of bards
- an apple
- a clove
- antipneumococcus serum
- azadirachta indica
- azadirachta indica (neem tree)
- a little knowledge is a dangerous thing
- antagonist muscle
- a stump
- a typical indian lute (with a large gourd at either end)
- abies
- a kind of sweet (or saltish) preparation of fried flour
- acacia
- a paper kite