- a butterfly
- aquatic sport
- a pleasure_trip
- aqueous humor
- aqueous humour
- a kilolitre
- anti_eczematic
- a gun
- aerospace
- a violin
- an open horse_carriage
- a tumtum
- a cauldron
- a mixture of milk
- assize
- a thick flower_garland
- alcohol
- argon 40 dating
- armband
- amphibious
- a suffix that signifies a possessor
- a title of certain hindu scholarly priests (4 in number)
- a show_bull used by some quack astrologers to obey specific commands and make certain answers etc
- afterworld
- a new and tender leaf (just sprouting)
- alternate bearing
- a feast for all
- a cattle pen (an enclosure meant for domestic animals)
- a collection of hundred
- a door
- a kingdom
- a court dancer
- a poniard
- age of creation
- alluvium
- an interval
- a picture
- an ominous shadow (foreboding ill)
- all_powerful death
- at time of life
- adverse times
- a rain_ coat
- a time_interval of 24 minutes
- a moment
- an instant
- answering time
- as distinct from
- a compound wherein the members if uncompounded would be in the same case and connected by the conjunction 'and' (as
- a persian wheel (for drawing water out of a well)
- air sleeve