- a large earthen bowl
- a leather_strap
- a plate
- alleviative
- alleviatory
- anthelmintics
- at sea
- ataractic drug
- antianxiety agent
- ataractic agent
- a roll or ring of cloth or straw etc. used to facilitate carrying of a burden on one's head or for placing vessels or pots upon
- a small leaf
- a narrow metal_ sheet paring
- aconite
- a very deadly poison
- autumn
- a register
- a pigeon_umbrella
- an umbrella
- a cenotaph in honour of a hindu national or religious leader or (in olden days) a big feudal lord
- a shoe
- an adjectival suffix conveying the sense—belonging to
- a whitish earthy formation in the hollow of a bamboo used for medicinal purposes
- a kiln
- a cenotaph in honour of some outstanding personality
- a charter
- a metal
- a medal
- a chess_board
- a simpleton
- antics
- a slate (for writing purposes)
- avenge
- a tubule
- a type_ writer
- a composer
- ateleiosis
- also called
- a fillet
- a celestial damsel
- alcove
- a statue
- annulus
- a prop
- album
- an ornament
- anything decorative
- a thick cushion
- a sack cloth
- abed