- arteriostenosis
- arterio_venous fistula
- a kind of red_coloured small female bird
- acoustic wave
- acoustical absorption
- acoustical attenuation constant
- acoustical damping
- acoustical distortion
- acoustical delay line
- acoustic communication
- a dialect of hindi spoken in mewa:ṛ (ra:jastha:n)
- a dialect of hindi spoken in parts of eastern uttar pradesh
- a past master in mere talks
- allopolyploidy
- acoustic transformer
- ambulent treatment
- aground
- a venomous black snake
- a skit
- a fast (observed by muslims during the month of ramja:n)
- an aviary
- a straight 'no'
- as blind as a bat
- anaerobic streptococcus
- as dead as the dodo
- arthur ashe
- at one go
- at one stroke
- at ones leisure
- a kind of firework which emits flower_like sparks
- a kind of alliteration
- an epitaph
- a symbolist
- a jostling crowd
- archaic
- antiquated
- acarpellous
- an odd one out
- a water_cress
- a distribution weighted in favour of oneself
- air valve
- a release order
- a cudgel_wielder
- aganglionic segment
- a kind of fine wool
- a head
- absolute hypermetropia
- absorbant
- a woman having shapely hips
- all star