- amuck
- amok
- amoebous
- amoke
- attended operation
- a periodical
- age of adolescence
- acetabular
- alzheimers disease
- alzheimer tangle
- allocarpy
- a gift deed
- attest
- attenuator_pad
- aorist
- artificial kidney
- atheroma
- abomasal
- alligator lizard
- a representation
- attlee
- a lavatory
- art editor
- anthologist
- antonymous
- antigram
- anagram
- anagogical
- anagrammatic
- anaphoric pronoun
- anagrams
- agglutinin titre
- alight
- abapical
- a word used by muslims at the commencemet of a work
- a middle school
- adrenergic agonist eyedrop
- alpha cell tumour
- alpha rhythm
- alpenstock
- alpha thalassemia
- adventurously
- airing cupboard
- allow latitude
- allow up
- a permit
- attitudinal reflex
- acute abdomen
- a sniper
- altruism