- nota bene
- newcomer
- numbered
- notepaper
- nitroglycerine
- naturist
- numismatic
- now or never
- nefarious
- noel
- nationalization
- neatness
- neurosis
- none the less
- necessitate
- never say die
- night life
- nightlong
- neglige
- negligee
- nohow
- now and again
- natural number
- navy blue
- newscast
- negotiate
- nickname
- nobble
- nose
- nowadays
- neckcloth
- norm
- nominate
- number
- normalize
- nick
- nip
- near
- normal
- noblesse oblige
- neckwear
- notch
- nock
- needle
- node
- ninety
- nineteen
- note of hand
- notation
- newsmonger