- homework
- hermaphroditic
- hoarseness
- hardly
- have a rough time
- hermetic
- hireling
- haricot
- harvest moon
- horsewhip
- hawaii
- healthily
- hierarch
- homogeneous
- honorably
- historian
- heady
- headless
- heck
- hearted
- honestly
- hinny
- hemispherical
- his
- hated
- have a foot in both camps
- herod
- hierarchic
- hinterland
- happening
- him
- Half-breed
- Half-sister
- Harum-scarum
- Heart-rending
- Horror-struck
- Half-baked
- Half-mast
- Hen-coop
- Half-tone
- Horse-race
- Hocus-pocus
- High-strung
- Hobby-horse
- Half-brother
- Had
- Haha
- Half-blood
- Half-time
- Half-dollar